Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Freedom - always an option.

The story of Paul and Silas was brought to my mind the other day and I realized I had been picturing it all wrong…
I had always imagined Paul and Silas in a damp, dark, rat-infested prison cell with their feet bound in stocks. And there they were, praying fervently and singing praise songs to calm their nerves and pass the time. – And then I realized - no that wasn’t right

Sure they were in a damp, dark, rat-infested prison cell with their legs shackled, praying – but probably not for themselves.
They were so far from being under duress that they were singing jubilant praises from the peace and joy warming them inside out. God had allowed those shackles on, so be it, He must have wanted them there for a reason…
The earthquake hits, freeing their physical bodies. Why don’t they frantically run away?
Because the cell of hopelessness is the pristine location to free men’s souls.
So now, the prison guard wakes, discovers the opened cells and with all human understanding knows his prisoners have escaped, and that he is a dead man… he decides to defer the suspense and kill himself, then Paul calls out ‘relax we’re all here’.
The freest man in the entire prison, the guard, now realizes he wants what these guys have – FREEDOM, he wants it for himself and his entire family, which he receives.
The next day the authorities send word to the guard to let the prisoners go… (Sounds unnecessary, doesn’t it?) Paul says, “They have beaten us publicly, uncondemned, being Romans. They have thrown us into prison, and now, do they throw us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and bring us out.” Why?
Because Paul and Silas' freedom wasn’t something anyone was entitled to

Read it. It's a great story - Acts 16

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