Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Christianity Today...

Christianity today has become comfortable in its uncomfortableness, wouldn’t you agree? Where the early church was martyred for their beliefs, we’re able to speak them openly, at times with ridicule, but even then we can rely on our cliché’s to make it through, right? Well, I’m afraid not any more… Martyrdom is definitely on the horizon, but I think before that hits, we’ll be rocked to our cores with grievances – monetarily mostly, I presume. This is a very interesting episode of Glenn Beck(at the bottom) for both those with God and those without. I really, really hope you’ll watch it. They hit on church attendance and involvement, but honestly if you’re only inspired to attend a church service Sunday morning you’ve missed the point entirely…
I don’t think many will understand this, and I honestly couldn’t expect you to, but – I’ve been going through a time in my life that I’ll affectionately refer to as a “wilderness” period and I call it that because I’ve been alone a lot, and the only company I’ve held for the majority of my days the last few years has been that of my Creator. And He has taught me an enormous amount about myself and Himself and the people around me… but I think the best thing about going through this time has been that I didn’t have anyone else to rely on. There wasn’t a fellowship I felt peace about attending, there wasn’t a pastor I sought out for counsel, there wasn’t a prayer chain I reached out to (besides my family, of course). So when something troubled me spiritually or financially or physically, etc or when I needed a friend, I had to go to Him… And He blessed and He blessed and He blessed and He blessed – He was and is SO very exuberant in my life that I can’t help but take notice of Him. But despite all the blessings/miracles He has still been able to reveal to me that the pain and the grievances were not the lack of His existence, but they were the exact pinnacle of His design. Knowing the pain is allowed by Him makes it worth it, doesn’t it? Knowing that He wants to reveal something to you through whatever pain is there will make you actually THANKFUL for whatever it was you endure(d).  If you ever watch the news you’ll probably feel that the entire world is about to implode and there’s nothing you can do about it… which brings me back to this episode of GB – in it they’re searching for a solution to the lethargic nature of our beliefs, and they’re hoping to inspire the viewer to grasp a hold of the morals that in the past has made this country great… But I looked up the ten commandments in the scriptures after I watched this episode and with the version I use, they astounded me, not because of the verbs of each commandment, but because of their subject –
“I am your Elohim…
You have no other mighty ones against my face.
You do not make for yourself a carved image…
You do not bring the name of your Elohim to naught…
You do not commit adultery.
You do not steal.
You do not bear false witness…
You do not covet your neighbor’s (anything)…
Remember the sabboth day
Respect your mother and father…"
See the difference? He’s not giving us a list of do’s and don’ts, He’s stating facts.
If He is your Elohim you will not have any other Gods, you will not steal, you will not covet… If he’s not your Elohim you cannot be expected to do these things.

Christian, it’s not about doing the right things and saying the right things it’s about actually knowing HE IS YOUR ELOHIM. Whether there’s worldwide recession, whether there’s massive genocide of all who believe… whatever lies ahead it’s only because He allowed it, and He only allowed it because He wants to give to you the revelation of Himself. Don’t cower, don’t seek refuge -
know He is Elohim… and you will see Him.

Please watch the episode and share your insight.
(For some reason this link starts the episode 3/4 of the way through so you'll have to start it from the beginning)

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