In light of the recent death of Osama Bin Laden one comes to realize that although a mastermind of evil has fallen, many, many others continue to be at large...Not only do their hearts feast on acts of evil, but they look to perpetrate that evil on all of the free world. What strategic plan could possibly be in place that would seek out the minds and hearts of the wicked and detain them before catastrophe strikes... There is no offensive play without a defensive initiative - evil must initiate first strike before repercussion for one's actions can be determined - - but what if that deep-seated hate could be uprooted in many hearts before that terror is enacted upon our individual liberties -
I know it's ignorant to think that there could possibly be a diplomatic 'solution', but I can't help but hope that a diplomatic 'outreach' would do some good. (Maybe one already exists, and I just haven't heard about it) I'm not talking about giving them crayons and telling them to express themselves, but what if the case was pleaded to the most vulnerable(the youth) in the region, stating that by following extremists they are being set up... they're taking on insane men's battle.
They're being brainwashed and we can't judge them for that, but we could present some truth and let truth do what truth only can do, and that is set them free. It's doubtful to think bellowing out that they are 'sinners in the hands of an angry God' would do much good, but maybe with a little divine inspiration we could infiltrate some of the hate with a lot of love(a 1965 song just entered your head, didn't it :/ ). As silly or ignorant as it may sound, to me it is equally ignorant to think we can catch EVERY bad guy before something happens...
What if through a mass release of the Bible in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. we could allow for a comprehensive deliberation of all the available facts. If the Bible is not already at their disposal they cannot be expected to make a legitimate unbiased decision based on a one-sided argument. Give them the necessary resources and let them decide if we are all infidels saved by grace or if we are infidels predestined for death... If it doesn't change one individual's mindset, if it doesn't change the outlook of one deceived person than we've waisted some paper. But if by divine liberation one plot to annihilate the lives of others is suppressed - lives will be saved. Wouldn't it be worth the try?
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