There’s been so much conversation lately about the “Justice” of God… What He allows, what He permits… What is Godly… What’s the difference between the god of the Muslims and our God if they both permit "war", etc… When we think about the flood, or the complete annihilation of the Canaanite people (man, women, and infant) or how the Levites were told to go kill there friends and brothers as sort of their initiation into the priesthood, along with other examples... our first response as believers is to excuse it somehow (CONTEXT!!), say it wasn’t actually permitted by our God, or that He was the God of the Old Testament, but now we have Jesus... They’re not at all things we as 21st century westerners like to think fit the resume for an all loving, all knowing, creator God… I’m reminded of an image from the HBO John Adams series where John Adams has gone to France and is trying to argue a just, real world cause with these people who are made up from head to toe in ridiculous outfits and makeup, sitting their all-too-fragile bums and egos on the finest puffed furniture… You can sense the irritation of the John Adams character as he’s trying to establish a thought into the minds of these colorful peacocks who seemingly have no concept of a real world struggle… Now am I suggesting that our culture/society hasn’t seen enough difficulties and trials and strife to be able to conceive in all our wisdom the image of a just God who enacts justice in ways that we would not deem appropriate? Yes. Yes, my fellow peacocks, I am suggesting just that. The argument boils down to - would an all-loving God permit violence? But then with the same brain we all scream - "justice must be served on the white bigots who permitted slavery!!” The American Civil War ring a bell to anyone? A war where the country was washed in blood, brother against brother, and then the heart of the nation was turned… "Well, God didn’t want that, He didn’t want justice served that way it’s just how our feeble brains constructed a solution", you may say. Of course He didn’t WANT war, but He DID want the abuse of a race to stop ...and mind control wasn’t an option. I know slavery was not the only issue fought over in the Civil war, but perhaps you can see my point. See, it’s not God who has an egotistical, bloodthirsty agenda, crushing the weak… it’s humans who have that problem. I can hear a great number of you yelling “YES! A conservative finally admits that the US is war hungry, clinging to guns and violence”. Um. No. There are US citizens who eerily stereotype and pledge violence on anyone who threatens them, no doubt about it. There’s people all over the world who stereotype, and pledge destruction toward persons whom they find inadequate to deserve life. It’s a human nature problem caused by greed and pride and it has plagued the human race from the beginning of time. This very problem is what brought about God’s Law in the first place. There were those that would not follow the Law… the call for humanity to be the best version of itself… many wouldn’t concede to it, they wanted what they wanted, they wanted to be their own god. They died. What an egotistical, blood thirsty monster of a deity, preserving the humble and the weak like that… Right? If God doesn’t permit the death and suffering of people all over the world, then our God is quite the weakling losing against whomever IS permitting it… OR every life who suffers and/or dies or any life who is blessed, free of conflict, both innocent and guilty, brings about the will of God. Why? Because He loves us that much. Who is guiltless? Who is holy? Who is just? Who is all-loving? Who is all-powerful? Who is all-knowing? Who is everywhere at all times? When you meet those qualifications, you can say what is permitted and what is not. So here’s the bad thing about throwing out the Law of God - you’re left to your own inclinations. Yes, God permits war and justice against those who murder, and oppress, and preform every act of evil against others… You know what that understanding does to me? It makes me not want to murder and oppress or preform any act of evil against another… because I’m so terrified of an all-powerful God? No - but because I am aware that He is just, and that He abides by a code of ethics so holy that I will not be permitted to hurt another person without reaping the consequences. And I am pretty ok with that. Therefore am I a person clinging to my guns and religion? Are you asking if I am a murderous villain who hasn’t perpetrated my offense as of yet, but feel I am justified in doing so by the will of a god? Then my answer is “No”. Do I believe in the Law and the Justice of the Creator God - Yes. Do I believe that if I in any way violate that law whereby hurting or violating another person unjustly, that I am then subject to possibly punishment to the full extent of that Law and the only Being completely in control of my sentencing is God - Yes. Do you know what identified a group of people as being "just and civilized" all throughout the scriptures? It was nations of peoples who had “the fear of God” in them. Can you see a difference between that, and a people who perpetrates violence or acts of terror in the name of a god including ALL peoples throughout the generations who fit that description? Why would the just and civilized fear God if they didn’t think justice would pertain to their actions? Does perfect love cast out fear? YES! Because I don’t have to fear anyone who fears God! And neither do you. "What of God’s laws which permit stoning of the adulterous or sexually immoral, etc" you may ask. What keeps me from throwing the stones or killing the abortionists? Let me ask you this - can you see a difference between an “honor killing (a killing enacted upon a person said to have brought disgrace to a family - the family wants retribution - to look good in society again)" and the killing of someone who is hurting someone else? Because there is a HUGE difference. Let me ask you another question - do you see people who do abide by the Torah or God’s Law killing in mass numbers adulterers or murderers? No, you don’t. There’s not stoning in the streets of Israel or in the Jewish communities throughout the US or ANYWHERE around the world. Why not? It would be fully justified by God who is the only One who in the end matters anyway… Here’s why - it only took a few generations for them to realize that their actions had consequences…. and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction… You can stone someone for their transgression of the law and then you will be stoned for your transgression of the law. So in the end we all die. A truce basically is drawn. That’s how it ends for those who don’t believe in a Savior or a Messiah. When you DO believe in a Messiah, you know He sees you no less guilty then the vilest of vile and He covers you and He covers them - no need for stoning. Ah, then we should just let terrorists kill everyone because God loves them just as much, right? Or we could realize the devastation that is caused when humans become their own self-serving god, and end their ability of further devastation and destruction in accordance to God’s law - in essence it's self-defense fully justified by the Law. We as a nation can lay down and die or we can defend ourselves… both examples given in the scriptures, both acceptable under the law. What we pray for is that God’s will be done.
So here we are at the yearly celebration of Hanukkah, a celebration of a military victory ordained and blessed by Yahweh which brought about the reclamation and the rededication of His Temple so that He could be born into the Jewish seed proudly proclaiming the righteousness and justice of a loving God emphasizing His unbroken code of conduct. And that also is pretty ok with me. Happy Hanukkah;)